

A lot of people simply don't know why they do it. Some perceive that it is to restrict the usage of sound. However, their is a deeper significance behind this little piece of cloth. Let's find some answers.


The most basic reason

Jain monks wear the Muhapatti to avoid unwittingly kill the insects or living beings through the process of breathing.

A cloth or using your hands

A muhapatti is used to cover the mouth. Some people tie it to cover their mouth, while others hold it in their hand and use it to cover their mouth while speaking.

Have you seen?

I have seen Vedic scholars using their hand to cover their mouth while speaking to somebody. This is a usual practice to not to throw the puff of air at other's mouth.

The concept of Ahimsa

It is obvious that Jain monks want to prevent even a micro-himsa done to microbes. By placing the patti on their mouths, they are reducing the chance to swallow any living organism.

The beauty of renunciation

The beauty of renunciation lies in taking care of everything while neglecting your own self. This is where such a minute detail has been taken care of by Jain monks.

It's not a attire

Just note that it is not a part of an attire that they have set for themselves just to distinguish themselves from other types of monks. It's a tool to minimize the possibility of violence against life.

Have you observed?

Have you observed it if you got any chance to meet a Jain monk? Share how you feel about the concept of muhapatti.